About the Artist


Nia Lewis is a 25 year old artist born in Manhattan, NY and raised in Willingboro NJ. The gift to create has been passed down in her family through generations of gifted artist. She began to discover the gift of her own between the ages of 5-8. Nia realized that her love to paint and draw was more than just a hobby, it was apart of who she is. She spent much of her time expressing herself through her creativity and falling deeper in love with bringing things to life on canvas. She credits her parents for investing in her as an artist at a young age and her middle school art teacher for cultivating the gift and talent she carries.

  Once Nia began high school in 2013, her time creating diminished greatly. She says she lost herself and did not understand that art was apart of her original design.  In 2017, Nia graduated high school and went on to attend Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland. Completely out of touch with her creative gifting, her plan was to become a gynecologist. At this time she says she was focused on what would make her the most money. A few years later in 2019 while still attending college, Nia faced a devastating loss. In the 6th month of her unexpected pregnancy she lost her son due to her water breaking prematurely. This experience changed her life entirely. “The pain of losing a child never goes away” Nia says. In spite of the immense pain Nia has faced, she says that this was the gateway to discovering what living is all about. In 2019, Nia gave her life to Christ and emphasized the fact that her life was once again, forever changed. “Knowing God and following Him is what life is about” Nia says. She elaborated on how she came to know this truth by sharing more of her story. The artist explained that after losing her son she was angry with God and wanted nothing to do with Him. “I was in my room crying myself to sleep in pain I can’t explain, and Jesus came into my room and gave me a peace I have never experienced before” the artist explained. “After this, I knew Jesus was real and I did everything I could to learn more about Him. I didn’t ask for Him to come, but He knew I needed Him so He showed up anyway and that’s what deeply moved my heart” says Nia. 

  Although she had this powerful encounter, she was still out of touch with her creativity. “I didn’t think God cared about those things” Nia shared. She was in for a surprise. In 2021, Nia would step into another life changing experience that would activate her true identity. “When I found Jesus, I found myself. It was Jesus that brought me back to my art” the artist explained. Within this year she attended a program hosted by the ‘Circuit Riders’ a Christian missionary movement. Each attendant was included in something called ‘original design’ where the missionaries leading out the program would ask God what each individual attend’s original design is. Nia explained that original design is simply how God has designed each person before sin entered in. Nia met with two separate groups of women. The first group shared with Nia that they saw her drawing and using her creative gifts. This was “pretty mind blowing” says the artist. No one knew of Nia’s gifts to paint and draw outside of her immediate family, so this is when she knew it was God speaking to her. When meeting with a separate group of women, they shared once again that they saw Nia drawing and creating. Once Nia finished the program and arrived home, she picked up the brush for the first time in years and has not stopped painting since. 

  In 2024, the artist has launched ‘Nia’s Creative Space’ where she creates extraordinary pieces, sharing her art with the world. With a bright future ahead, this is only the beginning for this upcoming artist. Be sure to follow her journey by subscribing via email below and following her social media pages (instagram @nialewis._ TikTok @nialewis__).  Success is inevitable for this unique artist, this is one you don’t want to miss!